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Class Struggle History
Notes on class, struggle and class struggle. [updated end Sept. 2005 ]
A working class revolt in Bangladesh: Strike, riot and fire among the garment workers [May – June 2006]
Nepal 2006 (written end of April 2006)
All Quiet On The French Front - on the social movement in France 2006 [March 2006 ]
French riots. Brief leaflet in English, translated into French as the second text in: 2 Petits Trucs Sur Les Emeutes [Nov. 2005]
Brief notes on the movement of secondary school students, France, 2005 [June 2005 ]
Movement of Casualised French Culture Workers ("Culture in Danger -If Only") [October 2003]
(Version Française: Culture en Danger - Si Seulement)[May/June 2004]
French Movement May-June 2003 [July 2003]
Anti-globalisation/anti-capitalist movements/Reclaim The Streets etc. ("You Make Plans - We Make History")[Sept.2001]
Algerian Uprising 2001 ("No Forgiveness")[July 2001]
Fuel protests 2000 ("Looks Like We Got Ourselves a Convoy")[Nov.2000]
French Strikes 1995-6 ("The strike and after") [spring 1996]
(Version française: "La Grève et après" - Grèves Françaises 1995-96) [printemps 1996].
Oxford riots, 1991 ("The University, The Car Factory & The Working Class")[late 1991]
UK strikes late 80s ("Emergency!") [Feb.1990]
Movements in France, November 1986 - January 1987 ("France Goes Off The Rails") [April 1987]
South African Revolution 1976-85 plus long intro on today ("South Africa: Now and Then")[1979 - 85/April 2005]
A History Of The British Miners [July 1984/2004-5]
Winter of Discontent 1978-79 [1979/2001]
James Carr, The Black Panthers etc. (afterword to 'Bad')[June 1993]
History of Clerkenwell ("Reds On The Green")[June 2003]
The Closed Window Onto Another Life (Reflections on culture and its artistic reproduction)[ 2004/5]
Culture In Danger - If Only (English version)[Oct.2003]
Culture en Danger - Si Seulement (French version)[May 2004]
Art & Other Social Diseases[1992]
Art & Gentrification[1989]
The Aestheticisation of Everyday Life [1983]
Poetry("Now is the Winter of our Poetry")[mid-70s]
The Novel("The Mystery Of Struggles Defeated")[early 80s]
The Entertainers (Modernist Cartoon.)[late 80s]
Escape From Alcatraz (introductory notes on the cinema) [Feb.2005]
Moore is Less[July 2004]
Jean-Luc Hitchcock[Early 80s]
Some Musical Notes[2004/5]
Reservoir of Poses[ ]
Om Sweet Om[1989]
The End Of Music As We Know It [mid-1980s]
Death of a Walrus(on the death of John Lennon)[Early 1981]
Disco and the Gay Scene[1979]
1969: Revolution as Theatre and as Personal [2001]
"Shakespeare Was A Fake!" Horror Shock![1984]
Soaps Get In Your Eyes [2001]
War and Politics
Kids & The Anti-war Movement [Compiled Nov. 2005, referring to March 2003 ]
Godfathers of Levant: Syrian-Lebanese dispute and its implications for the class struggle [ May 2005 ]
The "War On Terror"("War, Peace and the Crisis of Reproduction of Human Capital" part 2)[ July 2003 ]
Hydro-Jihad [March 2003]
Kamikaze Kapitalism[Feb.2003]
Afghanistan: Afghanistan before the war [Sept.2001],Afghan War & Law [Oct.2001 ]and the Borg [Oct.2001].
Pakistan ("Pakistan: The Mummification of the Class Struggle?")[Nov.2001]
Balkan War and Media [July 1999]
Class War - the political organisation ("Death of a Paper Tiger") [Sept 1997/Summer 2000]
The Left In The 80s 3 texts: The Show, Wage Slavery for No Change & Shed No Tears For Blunkett
Elections [1983]
Demonstrations [Summer 1982]
The Situationist International [1977] ]
French version: "Une critique de l'Internationale Situationniste comme organisation" [1977]
Daily Life
Countryside ("The Theming Of The Countryside...coming home to roost") [October 2005].
Lottery ("Hope, Faith, Charity, Lottery") [2003]
Theme pubs and other environmental disasters("Last orders for the local") [2001]
Education 1 ("Education, Commodification, Stupefication") [1998]
Education 2 (French text: "Dans le ventre de l'ogre") [Jan.2005]
Street Markets ("Confessions of a Market Trader") [2001]
Computers ("Thought of a thoughtless world") [1999]
Shopping ("Who gives a toss?") [1998]
The University("Farewell to the bourgeois university") [1990s].
On the TGV fast rain network in France ("The Despotism Of Speed") [early 1990s]
Religion ("The Fraud's Prayer")[early 80s]
Feminism ("Poverty of Feminism") [1977 & 1983]
Love("Can't Buy Me Love") [1970s ]
Writings of Jack Common [1930s]