endange red phoenix

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daily life

Daily life has always been the essential terrain of struggle - from your relations with your friends and lovers, to how you organise your living space, to the street, to work, to the whole of the environment and back to social relations again. It is criss-crossed through a thousand mediations, constraints and tangled webs - so all we can do is to look at it through fragments of reality. Several fragments do not make a totality but they are a way through to making sense of aspects of the totality. You don't get to know the totality from outside, like God. You don't gain access to the totality directly. The totality of this repressed life is a vicious circle and initially you can only breach a circle at different points, different fragments of it. So here we look at 'fragments' like feminism and male-female relations, pubs, the countryside, schooling, the lottery, computers, street markets and shopping...This is certainly not looked at within a mentality that fetishises the particular - no issue is single. Again, a lot more should be said...

Countryside ("The Theming Of The Countryside...coming home to roost") [October 2005].
Lottery ("Hope, Faith, Charity, Lottery") [2003]
Theme pubs ("Last orders for the local") [2001]
Education 1 ("Education, Commodification, Stupefication") [1998]
Education 2 (French text: "Dans le ventre de l'ogre") [Jan.2005]
Street Markets ("Confessions of a Market Trader") [2001]
Computers ("Thought of a thoughtless world") [1999/2005]
Shopping ("Who gives a toss?") [1998]
The University("Farewell to the bourgeois university") [1990s].

On the TGV fast rain network in France ("The Despotism Of Speed") [early 1990s]
Feminism ("Poverty of Feminism") [1977 & 1983]
Religion ("The Fraud's Prayer")[early 80s]
Love ("Can't Buy Me Love")[ 1970s]
Writings of Jack Common [1930s]

endangered phoenix