endange red phoenix

war & politics

"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."
- Hermann Goering at the Nuremberg Trial, 1946

If there's one thing that makes people turn off the telly it's news about war and politics. And if there's one thing that makes people turn on the telly it's news about war and politics.
If there's one thing that makes them feel better it's to compare their lives with the horrors of wars and of the politicians that make them.

Here we try to look a bit below and beyond that initial contradictory and superficial reaction, born out of passivity towards this society, to look at the social relations that are making war - war being the continuation of politics and commodification by other means.
Not all the texts here look at dominant politics, and its function in the process of commodification; some look at politics - the world of domination and submission, of manipulation and institutionalised hypocrisy, from an angle where for some it is least expected: in radical organisations.

Kids & The Anti-war Movement [Compiled Nov. 2005, referring to March 2003 ]
Godfathers of Levant: Syrian-Lebanese dispute and its implications for the class struggle [ May 2005 ]
The "War On Terror"(Part 2 of "War, Peace and the Crisis Of Reproduction of Human Capital"[ July 2003 ]
Kamikaze Kapitalism[September 2001 - Feb. 2003 ]
Hydro-Jihad Water conflict & class struggle[Feb. 2003]
Afghanistan: 3 texts [ Autumn 2001 ]
Pakistan [Nov. 2001]
Balkan War 1999 and the Media [July 1999]
Class War ("Death of a Paper Tiger") On the anarchist political group.[ Sept. 1997 & Summer 2000 ]
Where We Stand[Late 80s]
The Left In The 80s 3 texts: The Show[Early 80s], Wage Slavery for No Change [1984] & Shed No Tears For Blunkett [Dec. 2004]
Elections [1983]
Demonstrations [Summer 1982
The Situationist International [1977
] ]