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class struggle histories

Class pervades every aspect of this website as it does every aspect of the contradictions we live. And class struggle is the essential 'impossible' escape from this mad mess of a life.
Most of the following text originally appeared on our homepage. It expresses our general perspective on class struggle:
Notes on class, struggle and class struggle. [updated October 24th, 2005 ]
In the rest of our texts we look at class struggle in specific situations:
A working class revolt in Bangladesh: Strike, riot and fire among the garment workers [May – June 2006] Nepal 2006 (written end of April 2006)

All Quiet On The French Front - on the social movement in France 2006 [March 2006 ]
2 Petits Trucs Sur Les Emeutes [Nov. 2005 ] En français. A couple of texts in French, one of which is also in English, that have not yet appeared on the internet that deal provisonally with the October/November riots.
Brief notes on the movement of secondary school students, France, 2005 [June 2005 ]
South African Revolution 1976-85("South Africa Now and Then") with large introductory article about the current situation[1979 - 85/2005 ]
A History Of The British Miners [July 1984/2004-5]
Culture In Danger - If Only (English and French version)
[October 2003/May 2004 ] A look at the movement of casualised cultural workers in France.

French Movement May-June 2003[July 2003]
Anti-globalisation/anti-capitalist movements/Reclaim The Streets etc.
("You Make Plans - We Make History")[Sept.2001]
Algerian Uprising 2001 ("No Forgiveness")[July 2001]
Fuel protests 2000
("Looks Like We Got Ourselves a Convoy")[Nov.2000]
French Strikes 1995-6("The strike and after") [spring 1996]
(Version française: "La Grève et après" - Grèves Françaises 1995-96) [printemps 1996].
Occupational Therapy: the incomplete story of the University College Hospital strikes and occupations of 1992/3/4[1995 ]
Oxford riots, 1991 ("The University, the Car Factory and the Working Class")[late 1991]
UK strikes late 80s ("Emergency!")[Feb.1990]
Movements in France, November 1986 - January 1987 ("France Goes Off The Rails") [April 1987]
Winter of Discontent 1978-79 [1979/2001]
James Carr, The Black Panthers, etc.(afterword to "Bad")[1993]
History of Clerkenwell ("Reds on the Green")[2003]

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