endangered phoenix

what's new?

The site was originally launched at the end of July 2005. Since the beginning of October 2005 we've added the following:

July 2007:
Appendix to "Reds On The Green" - a review of the text and a reply by the author.
April 2007:
The Despotism Of Speed (on the vast extension of the TGV fast train network in France, early 1990s)
France Goes Off The Rails - Movements in France, November 1986 - January 1987 [April 1987]
November 2006:
Occupational Therapy: the incomplete story of the University College Hospital strikes and occupations of 1992/3/4[1995 ]
July 2006 :
Bangladeshi tremors: a working class revolt in Bangladesh - Strike, riot and fire among the garment workers [May – June 2006](additional material added at various times up to April 2007)
May 2006:
Nepal 2006 (written end of April 2006)
April 2006:
All Quiet On The French Front - on the social movement in France 2006 (last update: 12th April 2006). [March 2006 ]
The Closed Window Onto Another Life (Reflections on culture and its artistic reproduction)[ 2004/5]. Last updated: April 11th 2006
January 2006:
Grèves Françaises 1995-96("La Grève et après") [printemps 1996] Texte en français.
The above translated into English: "The strike and after" (spring 1996)
A paragraph on the recent attack on Duchamp's "Fountain" in "Closed Window Onto Another Life"
December 2005:
Dedication and foreword, plus several pictures, added to "Reds On The Green - a short tour of Clerkenwell radicalism"
2 paragraphs added to "The Theming Of The Countryside...coming home to roost"
Something on French rap and its relation to the riots (in English) in "Some Musical Notes".
2 Petits Trucs Sur Les Emeutes (Nov.2005) Changé Dec. 13 2005 avec un nouveau tracte qui remplace un des textes originales. Pour le moment – provisoirement - nous mettons que ces 2 petits textes sur les émeutes d'octobre et novembre qui n'ont pas parru sur internet. A couple of texts in French that have not yet appeared on the internet that deal provisonally with the October/November riots. NOW (Dec. 13 2005) INCLUDES BRIEF TEXT IN ENGLISH (aussi traduit en français).
November 2005:
Schoolkids And The Iraq War about kids walking out of school against the war on Iraq - compiled in November 2005, but referring to March 2003.
October 2005:
"The Theming Of The Countryside...coming home to roost"(2 paragraphs added, Dec.05) - a text on rural gentrification and class relations in the countryside (October 2005).
A considerable enlargement of "Some Musical Notes", with some life-enhancing comments by Sidney Bechet, a piece about gospel, some developments on music during social struggles, on RAP, on the Resonance radio station, a new bit on fans and celebrities, plus some other bits and pieces (last updated, with some comments on French Rap: December 9th 2005).
Notes on class, struggle and class struggle - This was originally on the homepage, but this version has some footnotes, partly referring to recent (October 2005) events in Marseille and Corsica.
"Elections" Brief excerpt from a 1983 text.
We have also added a text by Jack Common on the freedom of the streets.

We have also added some footnotes here and there since the beginning of September, and will continue to change things here and there as we see fit. As we said on our homepage,
"Essentially this website is not like a book (something fixed in a form inherited from literature) but a process in motion and though we won't change original texts from years ago (though we might add, and maybe subsequently change, various footnotes or introductory notes ), some of our more recent texts we are presently working on and, depending on feedback, our own self-critical reflections and unpredictable developments, will alter in time."

A note about the graphics and effects on this site:
Contrary to myth, it does not cost any extra money to put these graphics on the site. We have to pay £40 per year for the site, but the host gives us a lot of space, of which we've only used up just over 3% so far (including the graphics and effects). The effects are available as part of our web design programme, which costs £20 in the shops. Putting them on line requires no expertise: we just copy them from the programme, putting in the appropriate words or images. Access to them, however, requires having JavaScript as part of your computer programme. And we apologise to those who haven't, who might sometimes find inappropriately large blank spaces in some of the texts.

endangered phoenix

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